Exchange Spindles Quick exchange for seamless continuation of production

*** Exchange spindles available & EXPRESS repair service ***

Our exchange spindles meet high quality standards and are designed to ensure a seamless continuation of your production processes. We understand that time is of the essence in industry, which is why we do everything we can to provide you with an efficient solution when you need it most.

Rely on Deuschle Spindel-Service GmbH for replacement spindles and fast solutions to spindle damage. We pride ourselves on being your reliable partner, supporting your business and helping to keep costly downtime to a minimum.

If available, we guarantee the exchange spindle in 24-72h.

How does a spindle exchange work?

After you have decided on an exchange spindle, we offer you the option of ordering removal and installation as well. Everything from a single source, even in the event of a warranty claim.

Our service technicians will exchange the spindle on your machine on site including geometry, installation, start-up-process. The advantage of the exchange spindle is that you only need one service visit to make your machine tool ready for operation again. The usual repair process normally involves two separate appointments for installation and removal.

After the spindle exchange, you send the defective spindle back to us at the factory. This becomes our property. The newly installed spindle is then yours.

Alternatively, you can just order the matching exchange spindle without service technicians.

This list is still in development. You can find a comprehensive list of all our exchange spindels here as a PDF to download.


Wir halten ein großes Angebot an Tauschspindeln für Sie bereit.

Spindel Typ Maschinen Typ Spezifikation
Capellini Innenschleifspindel TACCHELLA "Elektra" CAPELLINI Capellini 30.000rpm
Chiron HSK 40 Motorspindel Spindel Chiron HSK 40 Nr. 1021423
Chiron HSK 50 Motorspindel Spindel Chiron HSK 50 Nr. 1115935
Fadal VMC 15 RT / 7500rpm FADAL VMC 15 RT
FISCHER AES72x230 Abricht Studer u.a. Abrichtspindel
DMG Rotor BGR SK50 DMGMORI diverse Rotor 10000-12000*SK50 / Deublin DDF 1129
GMN TSE120cgx219-61806 Schaudt CamGrind Schleifmaschine Riemenspindel
GMN TSE70cg-25000/8 Schaudt CamGrind u.a. mit Namursensor
Heller MC16/16000 HELLER MC16 u.a. Nullspindel + Motorspindel Gamfior 16000/HSK63
MoriSeiki Steckspindel SK-40 MoriSeiki SH-500 horizontale Maschine
SPINNER 6000rpm SPINNER SB-CNC / PD-CNC Riemenspindel
SPINNER*12.000rpm*SK-40 SPINNER RD4001 Kupplungsspindel
STUDER S40 / S30leanpro Schleifspindel für Pulley-betrieb STUDER Riemenspindel
SW Kessler Motorspindel SW-Werkzeugmaschinen Typ BA04 u.a. SMS080.46.4.FOS*HSK63 max. 17500rpm, 000.615.879, 000.646.038
Voumard BM15-15 Voumard Schleifspindel Voumard BM15-15 mit 15000rpm
WEISS Motorspindel Typ 174817 WEISS Motorspindel 15.000rpm
DMG / DMGMORI 12000 Motorspindel DMGMORI DMU60T / 80T / 60E / DMC80U u.a. 12.000rpm, SK-40, kurze Nase, 3 Kabel 15kW
FAEMAT FA 150x150, 20.000rpm FAEMAT Italy 10kW, 28A
Fischer FEZPS 100x88,3/1 HSK-F63 HOMAG, IMA, Weeke u.a. HSK-F63, 18.000rpm
Fischer HEN-32 diverse Motorspindel DM. 32mm, max. 48000rpm, Spannzangenaufnahme, ER12